Thursday, 24 May 2007

Explorer's Logbook, 24th May 2007

Hello, I'm Victoria from Cave group C. For the past 2 days, I've done caving and abseiling. On the first day (Tuesday), my group visited 4 different caves. The first 2 caves were challenging because we had to hike through the jungle for an hour or so to get to the caves. The last 2 caves were interesting because we got to see the bats. On the second day (Wednesday), we did abseiling. There were 3 different caves to abseil from. My group started with the most difficult one. It was rather slippery and some of us received cuts and bruises. I think that it was fun and it gave me a sense of pleasure for I had conquered it. Some of my friends were elated too because they had overcome their fear of heights. Also, yesterday, we had a solo drop. We were all blindfolded and led into the jungle where we had to stay at our own spots for 1/2 an hour. It was funny because the guides were trying their best to scare us but to no avail. Some of my friends even fell asleep! Overall, I've learnt a lot from these activities. My group members helped each other as we went along and it was great to see the whole group bonding so well with each other. The guides were also very friendly which rounds up a great experience.

3 Resilience
Explorers C

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