Tuesday, 22 May 2007

The morning after...Day 2 activities for Rangers

One Half:
The cycling expediton was flagged off at 0900hrs under fine weather condition. After a night's rest of sleeping in tents at the sand bank of Pasir Sia, one half of the Rangers were raring to go.

Along the 54 km route, Rangers were treated to sights of the countryside but had to negotiate challenging terrain which included avoiding potholes and cow dung. Muscles strained as Rangers toiled to take both man and machine uphill and downhill to cover their distance. At about 4pm, the last of the Rangers (the remaining half) crossed the finishing line to show true resilient spirit.

The other half:

The weather was very fine in the morning, when the Rangers set out to fly, cross and paddle against the non negotiating strength of the river. One half of the group was geared up to conquer their fear of heights by attempting the Flying Fox. Their flight would require them to scale up a tree, soar over the river and land on the opposite bank. They then had to challenge the strong current of the river with just the help of a rope to get back to base.

Rangers then gathered at the river bank to start off with the water confidence course, which enabled them to be one with water and to harness its power for their benefit. They then proceeded to white water raft, rafting their way in between the rocks and amongst the current. By evening, they went back to their campus to wash up and prepare themselves to depart to their next destination..... their next challenge..... Their Cycling Expedition!

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